Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
single largest way to force an organization is to focus on leadership
development. There is approximately no bound to the prospective of an
organization that engage good people, raises them up as leaders and frequently
develops them”(Maxwell, 2001)
means the leader is not a simple declaration, it has comprised with many
justifications in many contexts. It can be fluctuate from person to person and
within the approach leaders behaving and performing through their personal
attributes and educational aspirations can clarify an expansive range of
procedure in leadership. According to the case study by developing a personal
leadership plan, extensively I can demonstrate the understanding of my own
leadership type and how to implement it on my genuine aspiration to our future
achievements. By referring to the each self assessment tests can broadly
evaluate my leadership aspiration that I am drawn in to. From that I can
achieve the better performance according to the organisational environment.
the leadership development plan is essential to identify my contemporary trait behaviours.
By analysing various activities through self assessment test such as Big five
personality test etc, these activities are important to find out my charisma
and Followership style etc. Followership Style is diverse and measured as a considerable
part in my development plan because in order to be an successful leader
effective Followership style is crucial to identify. Also by implementing this
development plan must achieve the convince standard in order for a leadership
development plan to be successful.
Key Objectives of the
- To improve the decision-making skills and expand the leadership capacity.
- To be more proactive about Self-Leadership Development.
- To pursue Self-Development because it is important and use it as a motivational tool for goal achievement.
- To improve the capability to handle change, collaborating, taking risks and build partnerships and teams and so forth.
“By the 2020, to be a proactive, synergies employer
actuates win-win attitude traits by enhancing the organisation’s reputation and
to accomplish its objectives”
2.0 Personal Revelation of Leadership
is an essential role in to a any organization or society. It engages the way
and communicates it to people, inspiring and empowers them to put in to realize
organizational accomplishments. Also leadership involve to being deliberately concerted
and applying behavioral procedures to construct obligation and accomplish the
good effort from the society. Becoming an
effective leader is exigent for many new managers, but offers the reward of
successful orientating people work to be most effective and effective and
achieving excellence in team performance. An understanding of the key strategic
thinking, direction setting, communication and inspiring to grant a facilitator
for developing skills and a successful management to suit own personality and
leadership situation.
“Leadership is a procedure
in which an individual takes initiative to assist a group to progress towards
the production goals that are adequate to sustain the group, and to organize
the needs of individuals within the group that constrained them to adhere it”
(Boles and Davenport, 1975)
leaders in business often reveal the following attributes;
dependability and pro-activeness
vision of business goals
A firm
obligation towards meeting distinct goals
aptitude to effectively correspond their vision
in preparing and developing strategies
A focus
on inspiration and setting comprehensible guidelines (“Bizcoach info”, n.d.)
The reality is that anyone can be an effective leader.
They just need to discover the right stability between social, moral and
business portion of leadership. An effective leader commonly someone that
manipulates by example and other people just assist to follow because they
believe what they do is the right thing. When thinking of anyone we have looked
up to in the past, where they an honest individual that puts others before them?
That is the superiority of effective leadership. Being truthful gives a person trustworthiness
and consequence in other people confide and believing in that person. Here are
some definition from great leader personally interest in.
Nelson Mandela
“A leader is like a shepherd; he stays after
the flock letting the mainly nimble go ahead whereupon the others follow, not
realizing that all along they are directed from behind”(Goodreads, n.d)
Donald Trump
"As long as you are going to
be thinking anyway, thinks big."(Trump, n.d)
Albert Einstein
to New York Times Albert Einstein mentions “Great
spirits have always found aggressive opposition from mediocrities. The latter
cannot recognize it when a man does not insensitively offer to traditional
prejudices, but truthfully and bravely uses his cleverness and accomplish the
duty to communicate the consequences of his consideration in comprehensible
form.”(Einstein, 1940)
3.0 Leadership Theories and Models
theories and models of leadership have been developed over the years and new
theories appear regularly. Leadership theories and models have also evolved to react
to changes in the work environment. As work background has become more intricate
a pluralist for leaders, new approaches to leadership have essentially replaced
those which no longer fully clarify the work of leaders in contemporary association
(Dalglish & Miller, 2010)
3.1 Trait Approach
theory assumes that people are both born or not born with the traits that
influence them to accomplishment in leadership roles. In certain inherited
traits, such as personality and cognitive aptitude, is what inspires effective
leadership. Also there are so many studies to determine the most essential
leadership traits, while there is getting to attach disagreements, social
ability , drive and intelligence are constantly highlighted as key personal aspirations
(“Management help”, n.d.)
3.2 Behavioural Approach
theories of leadership suggest that leaders are made and not born. Also it is suppose
that people can expand as good leaders during learning and experience. It
identified three behavioural theories such as:
ü Michigan
studies ( Task, Relationship and Participative oriented)
ü Ohio
State studies (People oriented and Task oriented)
ü Managerial
3.3 Contingency Approach of leadership
In contingency theory of
leadership, the accomplishment of the leader is a purpose of various
contingencies in the appearance of subordinates, task and or group variables.
The success of a given blueprint of leader’s behaviour is contingent upon the demand
compulsory by the circumstances. These theories stress using diverse styles of
leadership suitable to the needs formed by dissimilar organization situation.
No particular contingency theory has been hypothesized. Some of the theories
Ø Fiedler’s
contingency theory
Ø The
path-goal theory
Ø Situational
leadership theory
Ø Leader
substitute theory
Ø Normative
decision-making model
Ø Cognitive
resource theory
3.4 Integrative Approach
approach is that the diversity of choosing what qualities to highlight and
where those qualities robust into the investigation. The limitation is that in option
and adopting the areas to refer some important information can be
overlooked. Researches try to explain
why the followers of some leaders are willing to work so hard, making personal
sacrifices to achieve the group and organizational objectives, or how effective
leaders influence the behaviour of their followers.
The significant integrative leadership theories include:
Charismatic leadership
Ø Transformation leadership
Ø Servant leadership
Ø Shared and distributive leadership
Ø Adaptive leadership
Ø Global leadership
Ø Worldly leadership
(For further information please refer the appendix.)
4.0 My leadership style
Form the childhood I have recognized myself as
a unique person. I had a precious habit that is always trying to be diverse
from behaviour than my colleagues. The day I was born my parents perform me to
be a distinctive person as who I want to be. That aspiration makes me stronger
to build my own personality that may totally specific and differ. When studying this entire subject I was searching
my own leadership style that may really fit to my intact behavior. I hope that
may assist to build my future career success to the top level management.
According to the leadership theories, integrative approach is that the variety of choosing what traits to emphasize
and where those behaviours fit into the investigations. That significant
integrative leadership theory includes one of important theory called
transformational leadership.
According to the Burns (1978) engaging to followers, values
and their intelligence of advanced purpose. Transformational leader significant
the complexity in the contemporary structure and have a convincing image of
what a new society or organisation possibly will be. This new visualization is linked
to both the leaders and followers standards. Transformational leadership is normally
passionate, energetic and passionate that may directly really fit to my current
educational path way. As a leader it has facilitate me to develops the group
capabilities, and when doing the project it’s construct the strategic
relationships and also to leading change among the peers. And it can increase
the output of individuals. By translating the strategies in to action as a
leader I have achieve numerous distinctions within my educational aspirations.
4.1 Charismatic Leadership
is a procedure, it is relations between the charismatic leader’s behaviour and
followers and their requirements and identifications with the leader and the
circumstance that calls out for a charismatic leader, such as necessitate for
alteration or a crisis. In the
charismatic qualities of leaders, the prominence in on how they correspond to
supporters and whether they are intelligent to expand followers’ confidence,
and influence and convince them to follow.
to the test “How charismatic am I”, my result shown as 50-60, in this level
people are magnetic and extroverted and a natural leader, though i tend to
attract enemies. And I am too precisely, because I am stand out from the crowd.
I may sometimes feel burdened by the attention and the responsibility of having
the followers. Please refer the Appendix
1 for the results.
4.2 Transformation leadership
Qualities and Characteristics
for bringing about Transformations
leaders are charismatic, related to my results above; I have a valuable vision
and intelligence of mission, and the admiration, confidence and trustworthiness
of group’s members. Practice of encouraging leadership derives from
communicating a mental picture with confidence and assurance. Academic inspiration encourages group members
to observe old problem or techniques in new ways. Personally I am
representative individualized involvement by giving personal awareness to group
members (Bass, 1990)
The Transaction character
of the Leader
leader increases people’s responsiveness of the challengers, issues and the promises.
And assist people to look beyond self- interest also to explore for
self-fulfillment, to recognize to the people for the need for modify. And he or she invests with a intelligence of
importance. By committing to the magnitude the leader implements a long range
and expansive outlook (Dalglish & Miller, 2006)
According to the transformation leadership I encompass to
accomplish various targets in my career life. To understand my leadership
abilities I have participated to several self assessments test such as, personality
test, Big Five locater, Am I a team player?, Team building skills, Interpersonal
Communicational Test and Entrepreneur Test. For the self Analysis of these tests please
refer the Appendix 5 for more information.
5.0 The position I aspire
is a specific position I always dream on. That is to be a top level manager in
an organisation that may consist with higher responsibilities of overall
hierarchy. According to the job description I have desire (Appendix 2) a Chief
executive officer for the management department of inter community hospital.
This position involves with entire hierarchy of the organisation by accountable
for managing the day to day operations and its entities, and guarantee optimal fulfillment
of the institutions contract, mission and viewpoint in reaction to the identified
needs of the society, and CEO liable to work intimately with board of
directions and leadership of the structured medical staff in increasing the
tactical instructions and most important policies of the institution. To
success in this position I have to improve my transformation leadership style
through understanding the position I aspire. Indication of the capability to expand and
work with involved qualified board members and aptitude to cooperate, transmit
to, effort with and maintain the actions of highly qualifies staff members and leads
them effectively on each task. For more information please refer the Appendix
5.1 Knowledge/ skills and attitudes of the Site
potion is a top level management category that may need a specific skill set,
knowledge and behaviours to be successful in. Especially it has to be in a
successful considerate of an admiration for the culture and surroundings
connected with administration a composite service organisation in a viable
unstable marketplace ambitious impression. To be perfect in this position
important area such as, especially to establish and expand dynamic associated
with accessible and up-and-coming health care financing. And the CEO is the
capability to assign accountability to senior subordinates and allocate them
the opportunity to recognize customs and means to realize precise goals and
objectives. And experiencing though understanding the nature of the environment
and organisational objectives, it can expand the knowledge and skill gap in
this position, as well as the Master’s degree in hospital administration,
Business Management is important. And the minimum five years of experience as a
senior level executive or operating officers are strength to be successful in.
5.2 Critical elements for success
be a chief executive office is not a short term goal. Personally I have to face
various up and down to achieve a higher position. By developing my strengths
and reconstruction my weakness to accomplish my career goals are so important
to my life aspirations. Below the list mention my knowledge and skill and in
order to develop my attitudes between the current positions.
- Master’s degree in business administration and management.
- Minimum five years of experience in senior level executive or operating officer.
- Understanding of the entire organisation culture and how to engaging and mobilizing the workforce.
- A practical approach to understand the organisation public and staff.
- Responsibility to leading the attempt to generate a persuasive vision that is moving enough to realize both long and short term objectives of an organisation through transformation leadership style.
- To be innovative in risk taking abilities of an organisation processes.
According to the Appendix 2.1, to answer the 5
critical Questions for CEO, my career path way has to be stronger
with my career objectives. Leadership development plan is more important to
understand and analysing my leadership style or model through critical
examinations. The current position and the goals that may directly effect to
the level that I aspire has a different and by analysing the self assessments
test (appendix
5) I can gain a idea of who I am and what personality describe about me
to the society, the role that I am willing to play in inspiring and in the
future, how my hidden inner strengths and abilities constructive to the
6.0 Investigation of own strengths
and weaknesses
As a bachelor’s degree of management student, I have
gain and achieved broadly various skills and knowledge about leadership and its
value to my future career life. Within these three years of time I have
expanded my strengths by reacting to my weaknesses to accomplish my goals and
objectives. Below column has shown my inner strengths and weaknesses of
leadership behaviours that I have achieved within these three years of time.
to manage and budget time well with an excess of educational, and
extracurricular tasks.
Less awareness about the
organisational leadership hierarchy
Experience as a leader by influencing groups
and working well on teams by understanding the group dynamics and assist them
in a healthy manner where everyone participates.
Unexperienced to apply the
leadership knowledge to the societies and to organisation
vision with a different group of people and mobilize them into action.
Unable to manage the
stress when team workers are not effective on the tasks.
opinion skills to impartially analyse a circumstances or event.
Hard to manage the team work
proficiency in leadership and management over the groups of people.
Never believe in luck and
fate in group assignments.
Capability to visibly communicative ideas
and concepts orally in individual and team settings.
to problem solve in a diversity of conditions and situations to settle on the
most excellent potential resolution.
I used to be technically competent as a strategic implication to my future
career path way. The day that i have started to study my degree, I read and study
on my own by e- learning possibilities and also by web searching on specific
professional items. Also I have start to participated in training courses/
conference and seminars inside and outside institutes such as ACBT personal
leadership seminar etc. And I always
tend to learn through networking and discussions groups. And from my childhood
I used to write articles in magazines, real world happenings on the web to may
self known as a professional. Personally I always used to share my knowledge
with among by competing are arguing with strategically.
the “Am I a team player test”
(Appendix 5) has progressively get to know myself about how to come up to
members with grand leadership skills and how to delicacy them well with
superior information and by revising goals and objectives about precise responsibilities
and how successfully motivate them to support to do perfectly in detailed
duties by knowledge and to cultivate with optimistic imaginations
I am an easy going with my colleagues specially group works, I never tend to
work individually, even at the individual assignments we always tend to discuss
our ideas and knowledge among friend to make more effective. Depend on this
kind of situation naturally I have become the outgoing person to learn about
the social, my degree is consist with the marketing, as a marketing student
public relation is the most important aspect. This is an practical element of
transformational style that i have proved. Through the studies of the degree I
have naturally become an outgoing person that may help to generate my inner
strengths and to build my self –confidence among the people. I prefer that is
the effective and successful way to enhance my leadership abilities to invest
to my future career positions.
7.0 Compared current attributes with
those desired in the future
developing the leadership plan I have survived most important elements to
improve personally and it may facilitate to understand my current behaviour and
my desired aspiration. The above job description (appendix 2) is a great
example to desire goal in the future. There is a gap between my knowledge,
skills and attitudes to develop in many areas, such as Master degree in Management.
The development of the organisation attributes, skills and experience are
important to the top level management.
Ø Communication
skills are most important element to a leader. Personally within degree i have
developed my communication skills both verbally and non- verbally that may
directly effect to be successful in an organisation among others. According to the Interpersonal Communication
test (Appendix 5), it has certified that I am able to communicate
clearly to others and success in average communication skills, and I am
somewhat insightful, assertive when talking to others and relatively
comfortable dealing with emotions. This result may facilitate to understand how
I have treat to my group members in various team working tasks. The Activity
6.1Aappendix 4, represents that I am more likely on oral communication
that will contribute to my charisma.
Ø Current
job market entitles today the experience is a weapon to kill the challenge of any
vacancy opportunity. But personally I have rejected that opinion half away. I
have believed the acknowledgments that I have gained through the degree are
specific and equal to the three years of work experience in my university
education. But to be in a top level management experience is more important the
theory knowledge. In future I plan to start my career life style from the
Business development Executive in HSBC as a successful approach.
have identifies four areas that need to work on most to move towards my desired
position through the Transformation leadership style.
ü Development
of Transformation leadership aspiration to position I aspire.
ü By
understanding the qualities and roles of the leadership style to improve
personal educational aspirations
ü By
developing higher educational qualification with acknowledgments (Masters, PHD
in Management) to get the top level positions in an organisation.
ü By
improving organisation experience to enhance personal attributes and skills
that may effect to higher position.
8.0 Developing capacity
Within this entire
context I have desire to expose my recognized strengths as well as weaknesses
such that I have identified it through the self assessments tests. Specifically according to the “Personality
test” (Appendix 5) they have identified important areas that I need
to improve such as, I have marginal or no preferences of extroversion over
introversion (1%), and I have moderate preference of Institution 38%, Thinking
50%, and Judging 44%. These areas are so important to develop my leadership
capabilities. And also I hope by start to working in an organisation that
unique aspects have to improve broadly. By participating to the different self
assessment test I have survive my weak points in many divers angles. For more
information refer the Appendix 5.
8.1 Training
Workshops/ Out bounding Training programmer/ Seminars
management and leadership go far clear of the technological aspects of the
position and there are dazzling key skills that will establish a strong leader.
Training is a one of them. This is a fundamental reason why more business and
corporation are turning to professional workshops, seminars and out bounding
training to teach their managers proper leadership skills. I personally
believe and prefer to participate to these programs to develop my leadership
skills as well as to improve my transformation leadership. By participating
to the leadership workshops and out bounding training programs, I can enhance
my communication styles and it may help to build a strong relationship among
the employers. Seminars are taking as a strategic implication that directly
influences to expand my inner attitudes and knowledge and to enhance in a
practical situation environment.
As a newly developed
candidate I have many skills and knowledge that have to gain end experience
broadly about the organisation hierarchy. By working in a organisation I have
to express my knowledge and skills step by step. That may give me the
confidence how to use each strategy in dependable tasks. I have personally
aware how much the leadership practice is important to be in a higher position
that I aspire. By developing the transformations leadership qualities and role,
I can understand my charisma within the operational organisation. Day today we
are learning what is leadership is, and we add and shading that word to the
future in various traditions.
8.2 Executive coach
Executive coach is an
important task design to help individuals to expand rapidly. It is work
associated and also focused on improving performance or behavior. It is a type
of goal-directed appearance of personally tailored learning for a hard
executive. Executive coaching can expand my contemporary performance in working
environment and it is an important aspiration as for my future leadership
methods to be improved.
People are born with
unique features and they are different from their attitudes as well as their
personalities. Knowledge and skills also a part of that, my knowledge and
skills can be different than to my brother or a friend except my parents.
Within this entire leadership development plan, now it has become my soul mate
to identified my perfect match that fit to my career path way. Most important
different ways that exist to develop my knowledge and skill set. As I mention
above I comprise to enhance my education qualification more than to the degree
level. By starting to working in an organisation I am able to fix my weak
points while getting experience in the executive position. Also by improving
the transformation leadership style and identify my charisma can step in to
the top level management level in an organisation.
9.0 Success
my leadership aspiration has improved by analyzing the self assessments test
and identifying my future career position and the leadership style that may
perfectly match to my knowledge, skills and attributes that I have accomplished
within these three years of time. By understanding the current position and the
future position that I aspire may influence to contribute the successful
strategic integration in my life. It has helped to make own self-confidence
stronger than my past. From the result
and the analysis of Personality test, Interpersonal communication test, Am I a
team player, Team building skills, Big five locater, Self Monitoring test, ,
The entrepreneur test survive about the reality of my personality behaviors.
It may show me the different ways to interact with others.
the Activity
9.7 ( appendix 3) Conflict management style, the table shown that I
comprising problem solving style and sometimes I have to force my team
participants to accept to resolve the problem where an unpopular action must be
taken. From the Interpersonal communication test results I decide to interact
other in better way such as, by sharing credits for accomplished ideas and
contribute, as a leader to help others, check management attitudes are
important. Also it has made my self-confidence stronger among others.
feel more confidence by developing the leadership plan in many different ways.
While understanding my current position or the position to which I aspire has investigated
to be successful in my unidentified personality aspiration in that particular
position. Charismatic vision gives the meaning to work and the output has
increased my confidence and trust as well as inspires the empathetic
communication of teams. I hope these are the major step that I have to improve
in and how to use the perfect leadership style by identifying the future
position. And by compare to the great leadership styles such as Nelson Mandela
has defined influence the people to teach the reality of the leadership styles
that influence to my transformation leader. And as major consequences I hope
this investment may facilitate me to achieve to demonstrate my vision statement
as a leader. I optimism this gap between the contemporary position and the
desire position can observe by the alternatives that I generate to use as
transformation leader.
10.0 Measurement of Improvement
10.1 Career
1. Complete
the Business Management degree in 2010-2013
2. Complete
the Advanced Diploma in Financial Accounting in 2011
3. Start
the first career as Banking Assistant in
4. After
continuing the degree complete CIM in 2014
5. Joint
to a world recognized bank as the Assistant Marketing Manager in 2015
6. Complete
the MBA in 2018
7. Complete
the PHD in Melbourne 2022
8. Joint
as a director in a foreign bank in
Melbourne within the next year
10.2 Career Objectives
term (1-3 years)
day we born as humans, we aim to build every single stage with a reason. In
other word, we all are comprised with goals but before we prepared a goal,
mainly we consider the objectives that will affect our future career life. After my Advanced level I decided to start my
degree in ACBT in 2010/13. It is comprised with two majors such as Management
and Marketing. As an extra qualification I was following the advanced
certificate of Financial Management Accounting (CIMA) UK, in the same
year. My target is to start my first
career as a banking assistant in Central bank Sri Lanka. It will help me to
achieve the premier professional qualification. Accordingly In a short period
of time (2010-2013) it has the power to build
the foundation of organizational skills and performance into my future
career pathway. To work as Banking Assistant, it will provide the favorable
nature and experience of diverse customers and public relations and will help
with customer journey (customer relationship Management), and bring expertise
of typical banking work activities.
Objectives (2013- 2018)
the 3 years of Assistant experience as the next stage I decide to complete the
CIM (chartered Institute of Marketing) final year in NEXT business School.
According to the structure of my organizational environment as an extra
qualification I have determined to participate the part time in banking exams
which certified by the central bank of Ceylon. Expertise areas in Marketing and
Accountancy stream bring me to a higher performance and promote me as Assistant
Marketing Manager at HSBC. That is my foremost winning track in my career life
to start my MBA in ACBT in 2015.Within the 2013 to 2018 I desiderata to
complete my Major educational and organizational paces in Sri Lanka. By 2018 I
formally qualified person in Marketing as well as Accountancy. That
professionalism pushes me to higher standard level in organization with expert
knowledge and skills which may constructive to
the marketing division of HSBC bank.
a long term intention I have settled to transfer Australia to start my PHD in
Melbourne. The almost seven years of organization experiences that I have
gained through the HSBC bank is the direction to join as the Head of Marketing
in Commonwealth Bank. By completing the higher standardize PHD (2022) in
Melbourne, will grant me to promote as top levels in commonwealth bank. In each goal in my life have suggested a one
obsession that is, I always intend and deserve as a truthful person to my
organization and to help to survive the best lucrative prospect to its future
11.0 Measurement Instruments
11.1 Time Plan
Successfully completed the Bachelor of Management
Completed the Advanced certificate In Financial
Accounting course at NIBM.
Joint as a Banking Assistant for Central Bank
Complete the CIM Final year.
Start up the MBA level in ACBT and joint as the
Assistant marketing Manager of a foreign bank in Sri Lanka.
Complete the MBA and joint to the Commonwealth bank
in an Australia as the Marketing Manager.
Start up the PHD In Melbourne
Complete the PHD and promote as the Chief
Executive Director in Commonwealth bank.
12.0 Conclusion
2010 I have start to complete my degree with a broad vision, that is By the
2020, to be a proactive, synergies employer actuates a win-win attitude traits
by enhancing the organisation’s reputation and to accomplish its objectives, to
achieve this vision I have generate my own style and path way to my
personality, leadership development plan is an important process that may
facilitates to my future carer life. Understanding my current position and
leadership position that I am aspiring contribute the reality of what
knowledge, skills and attitudes personally have to develop and improve. By
analysing the strengths and weaknesses I contain followed my inner abilities
and how to improve it from the leadership strategies and how to regulate my
weaknesses to convalesce. Self assessment test helped to identify my leadership
skills and strengths that may valuable to the organisation. Such as Team player
skills, Communication skills, Big five personality etc. Developing capacity
section gave me a chance to understand my improvements areas in training,
experience and education knowledge and develop more skills in leadership.
Considering on that I include found the four areas that direction to my path
way to be in a top level management. End of the day there is a only one thing
we always hope, that is the success, by developing the leadership aspiration,
today I am wealthy with my real leadership position and personality to
implement strategically to the workplace culture and that formulate me stronger
with my confidence to persuade with success for my future career goals.
Reference list
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Appendix 1
Authority/Power of Leadership
One of the traditions that
leaders apply influence is through the use of authority or power. The use of
power influences goal achievement and interpersonal affiliation because it
governs behavior and standardizes resources. The organizational managers’ perception of
power is important because they verify the variables that will influence their
unique group. Power can be based on a variety of forces,
Legitimate power
Also it is referred as
position power because it is the authority the leader has based on an official
responsibility that he or she is behaving. These types of leaders are
appointed, designated, selected or evolving but the members all distinguish
this person as the one who is legitimately in charge (Stogdill, 1985, p.293)
Coercive power
is the power that is moving toward from a person’s ability to penalize. From
the perception of followers, it’s one of the mainly noticeable types of power a
leader has. Also excellent leaders apply coercive power only as a last
alternative. In today’s complicated and intricate workplace, excessive use of
coercive power unleashes impulsive and destabilizing forces which can
eventually emphasize the leader using it consequently in the small time; it
relies in terrorization to do so and will fail badly if used as the solitary
base for exerting persuade (Stogdill, 1985, p.293)
Reward power
By using the reward power, for occurrence, can
have an additional optimistic impact on performance. Regularly, substantial
rewards such as financial bonus and holiday time are sources of power, but more
often rewards are insubstantial. Delivering goodwill, donating appreciation and
giving respects is all behaviors any member of an organization can apply reward
power (Stogdill, 1985)
Expert power
Expert power stands when
managers judge a person to be experienced in a defined area. The personality of
the capability can be particular awareness, aptitude, or talents that others
distinguish at higher. To observe to exert power, the motivating occurrence is
that being a specialist is not sufficient, the additionally must recognize the
individual as an expert and treat him or her consequently.
An added type of power that
can be associated with expert power is Referent power. Generally
organization compliments a person who is knowledgeable and responsible. The
leader can obtain referent power by being a specialist in an agreed filed. By
times and individual will obtain referent power but being pleasant,
charismatic, honorable, and venerable. Power is not
simply that the person can insist, it must be prescribed. Even a legitimate
leader, who has been conferred the role of leader, may discover exercising
conducting the absolute authority to be faced if followers oppose. The way
people decide to use authority depends on the circumstances and the personality
style (Henman, n.d.)
style, it is more than leadership traits, establish leader effectiveness. Style
is associated to one’s form of organization behavior. The pioneer style or
method of dealing with the organization managers and communicating with them
contributes to or detracts from the managers’ overall functioning. There are
three general entries for these connections (Lippitt & White , 1943)
Authorities or autocratic leadership
confides on legitimate, coercive and reward power to persuade others. Leaders
are forceful, autocratic and parental in their dealing with the groups. In
other words, when a leader continuously uses authoritarian leadership, the
managers not succeed to expand a sense of possession of their work. They will
effort if they watched, but perhaps since they do not feel a part of the
assessment making process; they are not aggravated to do more than completely
compulsory. Also they may develop into familiarized to the parental supervision
of an autocratic leader and rely on it for inspiration (stogdill, 1974)
leaders, distribute the decisions making procedure. Members are liable to be
more fulfilled and less aggravated when they participate a part in the group’s
implementation. Sometimes the chosen leaders will still compose the final
judgment after consulting the group members, but they experience more validated
if their thoughts are measured, and they are usually more inspired to realize
the judgment (Stogdill, 1974, p. 205).
The Behaviour of Authentic Transformational Leaders
It should also be noted that not all good, moral people are
transformational leaders. Transformational leaders engage in idealized
influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and
individualized consideration as they lead their followers.
- Idealized influence:
Serving as an example of excellence and character; Creating a climate of
high standards for task performance and ethical choices
- Inspirational motivation: Developing and communicating an ambitious,
exciting and morally good vision for the group to achieve; Involving
followers, empowering them, and encouraging their development toward that
- Intellectual stimulation: Fostering open discussion of the vision
and its implementation
- Individualized consideration: Demonstrating genuine concern for
followers' development; Providing coaching and mentoring
demonstrating ethical behaviour and personal character while performing these
four types of leadership behaviours, authentic transformational leaders
accomplish the most impressive of leadership challenges. They lead their
followers through risk taking, personal development and organizational change (Bass & Steidlmeier,
Appendix 1.1 How
charismatic are you test
PRESBYTERIAN TITLE: President & Chief Executive Officer
DEPARTMENT: Administration
Board of Directors
12401 Washington Boulevard
Whittier, CA 90602 DATE: April 2006
The President and Chief Executive Officer is
responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the hospital and its
entities; establishing a system for assuring that high quality care is
provided; assuring the sound fiscal operation of the hospital while promoting
services that are produced in a cost-effective manner; ensuring compliance with
regulatory agencies and accrediting bodies while continually monitoring the
organization’s service and delivery system; ensure optimal fulfilment of the
institutions charter, mission and philosophy in response to the identified
needs of the community. Responds to Medical Staff, employees and patients. In
addition, the President and Chief Executive Officer will work closely with the
Board of Directors and leadership of the organized Medical Staff in developing
the strategic direction and major policies of the institution.
Understanding of and appreciation for the culture and
environment associated with managing a complex service organization in a
competitive, turbulent market driven atmosphere. Evidence of the ability to
develop and work with involved, qualified Board members. Evidence of the
ability to interact, relate to, work with, and support the activities of highly
qualified, dynamic physicians as individuals and members of the organized
Medical Staff. Knowledge and experience in establishing and/or developing
productive relationships with existing and emerging healthcare financing
entities such as HMOs and PPOs. Ability to delegate responsibility to senior
subordinates, allowing them the room to identify ways and means to accomplish
specific goals and objectives.
Master’s Degree in hospital administration, public
health business administration or management, or related field is required.
Minimum of five years experience as a chief executive or operating officer, or
as a senior level executive of an acute-care hospital.
with the Board, Medical Staff, and senior management in the development and
of strategic plans.
and attains challenging/achievable patient care, safety, education, and
goals while ensuring financial viability.
to the provision of community benefits as an expression of our charitable
and purpose, each manager/supervisor is committed to the delivery of
healthcare and is further committed to supporting the strategic direction of
benefits within PIH and its affiliates.
Ensures accountability for demonstrated commitment to improving community
health status and
societal issues that contribute to poor health, as well as personally working
for the
10. Betterment of the community–at-large.
11. 5. Ensures the attainment of hospital objectives
through the selection, development, organization,
12. motivation, management, evaluation, and promotion of
human resources and through the
13. establishment and maintenance of facilities,
equipment, supplies and other required sources.
14. 6. Establishes and maintains communications and
relations with the Medical Staff and supports the
15. development of business ventures with them,
individually and collectively, that promote
16. cooperation and coordinated effort in accomplishing
mutual goals.
17. 7. Complies with regulations governing hospitals and
the rules of accrediting bodies, and represents
18. the hospital in legal matters.
19. 8. Ensures that the hospital’s products and services
are produced in a cost-effective manner.
20. 9. Ensures that Community Benefits programs are
appropriately determined and effectively
21. administered.
22. 10. Fosters a smoothly functioning, efficient
organization through anticipating problems and the
23. timely and effective resolution of disruptions.
24. 11. Conducts all of the above consistent with established
ideals, standards and policies of the
25. corporation and the ethics of the profession of
hospital administration.
Service Values and Behaviors:
Each person is treated with respect, dignity, fairness and compassion.
Performance is acceptable when everyone is promptly greeted with a smile in a
warm and caring manner using the person’s name whenever possible.
matter how I feel, I display a caring attitude.
Each person displays loyalty and pride in Presbyterian Intercommunity
and upholds the confidentiality of patients, visitors, physicians, and
Performance is acceptable when concerns/problems with fellow employees and
customers are not discussed with anyone other than the person involved or the
Customer issues and ideas are listened to and
appropriate follow-up occurs to create a satisfied customer. I do not make
excuses. I do not demean other people or departments.
Each person demonstrates commitment to open communication.
Performance is acceptable when openness and acceptance of constructive
criticism occurs. Positive communication occurs by complimenting and expressing
appreciation to others. I will listen and encourage others to express ideas and
Performance is acceptable when the initiative is taken to maintain a clean and
safe environment. I conduct myself in a manner which respects and preserves
equipment and the physical plant. I do not walk by spills, trash or unsafe
conditions without assuring that they are attended to promptly by me or
appropriate personnel.
Professional and businesslike in demeanour; honest and
of high integrity; self-confident; assertive; excellent negotiator; able to
conceptualize and grasp the “big picture”; results oriented “hands-on” manager;
energetic and enthusiastic; intelligent; articulate; diplomatic; flexible; a
good listener who is open to new ideas; straightforward; and a “team player”.
1. Talking or hearing essential to communicate with patients and staff.
2. Good communication skills; reads, speaks and writes English fluently.
3. Bilingual skills in Spanish or Chinese preferred.
Prepared by
Name Date
Approved by
Name Date/Reviewed by Incumbent:/Name Date
(Simone.P, n.d.)
Appendix 2.1
5 Critical Questions for the CEO
1. Are you clear and unwavering in your pursuit of
a future that is bold and exciting and that inspires other to action?
2. Does each member of the Executive Team support
the vision with the level of passion and commitment required to make it happen?
3. Are your employees sufficiently inspired to
produce the specific results you require?
4. Does your company’s culture support the level of
results you seek?
5. Are you consistently able to lead yourself and
your employees beyond the limitations of the past?
( Levy, 2012)
3 Self assessments tests
1.1 Self assessments
a Budget
a vision
a plan of action
a public speech
a budget staff
an event
Leadership tasks
to the allocation I have participated in the chart were reasonable depend on my
inner strengths that may effect to my leadership accomplishments. Those are
reasonable in my opinion as I have shown early development in this area. Also by evaluating this result, I need to be
simply stronger here too if I am going to be a leader in the business field in
the future, at a national as well as international field.
Management Tasks
As I have shown on the column i have strongly
influence on the management task more than leadership tasks. The assessment
that I made on management tasks relates to non-office activities. I have to get
added experience in organisational level. Specially relate to the participating
to the ongoing activities in organisation and how to be modern and energetic
depend on the tasks.
As a final year
management student in Edith Cowan University, I comprise a major responsibility
related to the higher studies. According the time schedule, I have four days of
lectures and other 3 days are planned regarding on the group projects and team
working task consider on the each subject. Depend on this congestive schedule
as a full time student I have planned the week without occurring stress and it
is well planned by making my day more effective. After participating in the
morning classes I used to go to the library to reference day today studies as a
hobby. Also I always make my day enjoyable by listening to music while evening
jogging, and as a religious habit everyday 20 minutes I mediate my mind as the
effect to in my educational life.
As a responsible person
and well educated person I have never moved away from my duties. Especially in
team working tasks regularly I finished my work up to date and update each day
studies to my mind. But reasonably as a human i believe in relax, it can make
life happy by keeping the responsibilities in a side just for a while and to
watch a latest movie or listening to hip hop music.
As a creative student I
am well planned in deliberating studies. In every week before going to the
lectures habitually remind the prior week’s study materials and it can
formulate my reload from the knowledge and can communicate easily to the
current lecture. Other than to the four days of morning lectures as a hobby I
have stared some individual lecturing to the school students. According to that
every day I can reflect the studies what I have learned the entire degree.
Mandela and His Leadership Style
Nelson Mandela, considered by many as a revolutionary
leader, helped organize the fight against racism and apartheid in South
Africa. (Brink, 1998).Mandela witnessed leadership at a young age when
observing his guardian supervising tribal decision-making gatherings.
Mandela’s guardian listened in silence for days, never voicing his opinion even
after everyone’s opinion was heard. After everyone had spoken, his guardian
guided the group to reach a consensus. Later, Mandela used this experience to
mold his leadership style (Stengel, 1994).
According to Stengel (1994), Mandela
recalled the following lesson regarding leadership from when he was a young
cattle herder:
you want to get a herd to move in a certain direction," he said, "you
stand at the back with a stick. Then a few of the more energetic cattle move to
the front and the rest of the cattle follow. You are really guiding them from
behind." He paused before saying with a smile, "That is how a leader
should do his work" (p.1).
Throughout his battle
against apartheid and helping to bring democracy to South Africa, Mandela
adopted a democratic leadership style. According to Johnson and Johnson
(2006), “Democratic leaders set policies through group discussion and decision,
encouraging and helping group members to interact, requesting the cooperation
of others” (p. 182).
Mandela believed in the
value of the democratic process, even thought he did not always initially agree
with the result. Some of his unsuccessful pursuits included when he tried during
his imprisonment to have prisoners addressed more respectfully by guards, and
later when he attempted to have the national voting age lowered to 14 (Stengel,
Mandela’s leadership
success can be attributed to his use of consensus. Consensus is considered to
be the superior decision making process to build commitment and motivation in
group members towards group objectives. Using consensus aids in making the best
possible decision and utilizes the resources of
everyone involved (Johnson & Johnson, 2006). In conclusion,
Nelson Mandela is viewed as a revolutionary leader for his ability to empower
and motivate others using his strong regard for consensus and the democratic
By developing the
leadership impacts by learning it to the deep sea, I can gain the entire capacity of what is
;leadership is and i can reflect those skills in an organisation environment
and to implement the right strategy depend on the situation. Regarding to the
nelson Mandela he is a person who faced to many problems in his career life as
a leaderships leadership statues above make me more strong with his abilities
and attitude toward the certain cultural values and elements that we have to
face in real world situations.
As a degree bounded
knowledge person by developing the leadership analysis plan may help accomplish
my major learning material in leadership unit. It may help to understand and
evaluate myself leadership behaviours and skills that help to be the pathway to
the organisational level capabilities. By improving the leadership development
plan major objective should be that. This can just a simple step, within an
entire degree I have experienced many team working skills by leading the major
projects units such as strategic management, International marketing etc. Also
by working experience in an organisation may help to develop effective
leadership capabilities as well as to understand it consequences.
“Perfect life look”, I
think it has better demonstration within the entire life. Up to now I have
achieved many things in my life including the degree in management. From the
school life I was student who always participated to the leadership programmes
such as in team working tasks, by improving leadership skills today I have
become as effective leader as a person who is ready to take any challenge in
future career life. I have consider in one aspect in my life from the
childhood, that is I can judge a person from their behaviours most of times and
can understands that person inner strengths by evaluating his capabilities, as
leader it is an important personal value I prefer. As well as a person who
always participating help to the my peers to give solution on any situation and
leading my team members always on positive way to a greatest vision may help
them to build their own life effective. Widely it is become apart in our life
not even till our career life end as well as when our life’s end.
Personality profile (Turn to next page)
According to the personality profile my
score is like this,
Surgency - 24
Agreeableness- 25
Adjustment 29
Conscientiousness- 33
Openness to Experience
result above the higher the total number is the stronger personality dimension
that describe my personality. Here my most strongest dimensions are 33 (conscientiousness)/
29 ( adjustment)/28 (Openness to Experience).
According to the result i have scored weakest dimension is the
surgency. And agreeableness is scored as
includes how one approach work and life in general. Means I am success in high
conscientiousness with high level of thoughtfulness with good impulse control
and goal directed behaviours. Adjustment
concern how an individual reacts to stress situation failures and even personal
criticism. And I am tending to experience emotional stability, tend to be calm
and not react to personal failure in a negative manner. High in openness to
experience dimension feature characteristics such as imagination and insight
and also tend to have a broad range of interests. Here the weakest dimension
include I am low in surgency tend to like to work by themselves and do not wish
to compete with others.
The cognitive style instrument (Turn to
next Page)
Least preferred Co- Worker (LPC) (Turn
to next Page)
According to this task I have choose my
team member Anushika Siriwardana.
The leader having determined their LPC
score, i have scored 96 means greater than 64 resulted the relationship
oriented. High LPC leaders, are primary motivated by forming good relationship
before concerning themselves with the task.
The Leadership Grid (5.1) (Turn to next
I enjoy speaking in
public- yes
I appear confident and
in control when i speak – yes
When I speak, I paint a
visual picture of my subject giving example that the audience can relate to – yes
When I speak most
people stop and listen- yes
I make sure that i have
all the facts before i make a presentation or speech- yes
I use examples to
illustrate the facts i present- yes
People have used terms
such as enthusiastic, powerful pr passionate about the way i speak- No
I use inclusive
language that makes the audience feel part of my vision- yes
I use emotive language
as well as facts- No
Yes - 7
No - 2
Here the more yeses represent that I am more likely in oral communication that
will contribute to my charisma.
(Turn to next page)
to the score chart i have scored more than 6 for connection power, legitimate
power, expert power and referent power.
That means i prefer to influence others by utilising that particular
type of power. Scored less than 2 in coercive power, implies that Iam not
prefer to utilise this particular power to influence others. As I define in
appendix 1 these powers are directly can affect to my leadership improvements
as well to enhance my organisational experiments.
Influence tactics
According the column I have scored
37. That means the more influence tactics
I used, use often and probably are
Active listening behaviours
listening behaviour
eye contact
distracting gestures
talking over the top
According to the scale above I have
scored 27. That means i have more effective as an active listener.
Activity 9.7
According to, the table I have
Compromising style rather than Problem Solving style and sometimes I used to
force my team participants to accept to resolve the problem where an unpopular
action must be taken.
Management Style
Not Often
Personality test
five locator
Am I
team player
to the score board results if I achieved between 40-50 results it has stated
that I have a great team!
building skills (what is my team player style)
communication test
Self Assessment
assessment is an integral part of our career life to determine and to recognize
our self concepts and how it will impact to the organization environment. It
will assist in the organization to identify self- reality to estimate the
personal actions through specific task and the level of creativity in decisions
and intelligence. According to the self evaluation inventory I have
participated in the, Personality test, Interpersonal communication test, Am I a
team player, Team building skills, Big five lecture, Self Monitoring test, ,
The entrepreneur test.
In personality test I have marginal or no preference of Extroversion over
Introversion also Institution 38%, Thinking 50%, Judging 44%. According to the
interpersonal communication test, as a strengths I am able to communicate
clearly to others and success in average communication skills. And I am
somewhat insightful, assertive when talking to others and relatively comfortable
dealing with emotions.
the Am I a team player test has gradually gotten to know me about how to
approach to my team with great leadership skills and how to treat them well
with better information and by revising goals and objectives about specific tasks,
how effectively inspire them to encourage them to do well in specific tasks by
learning and to grow with positive imaginations. I have gained important
aspects of personality according to the Big Five Locator. It has listed clearly
in an OCEAN model of personality. Openness to experience has stated that I am
somewhat conventional, and very well organized and can be relied upon in
conscientiousness, extroversion neither particularly social nor reversed,
agreeableness stated that I am tending to consider the feeling of others;
finally the neurotic-ism stated I am generally relaxed. The entrepreneur test
has stated that I have good qualities of a successful entrepreneur with some
weak spots. Also I should be able to
cover the deficiency by either retraining
myself or hiring someone with the necessary skills.
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